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How to Maximize the Value of a Board Meeting

A board meeting is an important occasion to discuss important company issues with a diversified group of experts. They can provide diverse perspectives, which is vital when deciding on large-scale strategies and specifying the means by the teams implement the goals.

The effectiveness of a gathering is determined by the manner in which the leadership keep discussions on the topic and directs them. Meetings won’t be effective when they aren’t focused and last for a long time, no matter how energizing the agenda is. It is also difficult for participants to prepare and participate in a meeting if important documents have not been prepared prior to the meeting.

To maximize the benefit of board meetings, start with a 10-minute recap at the beginning of each meeting. This summarizes key information from previous calls prior to meeting and the board package. This will help to get the mind off of board members and keep them focused on the issue on the table.

Getting sidetracked by new discussion topics can eat up meeting time and distract board members from more important agenda items. To combat this, include the “parking lot” item on the agenda for discussions on random topics that are worthy of an additional review, but are not top priority.

Once the agenda is set, it’s crucial to hear the reports of the executive director, as well as any standing or committees. You can also have someone review the financial reports if you want to discuss them further. The chair should then allow the floor to vote on each anchor item after the discussion has been completed. Before a vote can be called, a motion should be “seconded”.

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