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How to Run Effective Virtual Meetings

The goal of this article is to help you manage your virtual meetings like a pro and get the most benefit of them. Best practices for virtual meetings focus on improving collaboration, avoiding distractions and keeping everyone interested. If your online meetings aren’t a success, then you’re wasting valuable collaboration opportunities and productivity gains.

It is crucial to establish the purpose of your meeting. It doesn’t matter if it’s an interactive workshop for problem-solving or a status update. The presence of a clear goal will enable you to stay focused and achieve the desired outcome. It is also important to establish the responsibilities of key players during the meeting, for example, who’s taking notes or leading discussions, so that they feel confident and motivated to take part.

You can use icebreakers and team-building activities to encourage participants to attend your virtual meeting. This could include a fun interactive quiz or an icebreaker exercise, or even splitting attendees into small groups to encourage discussion and brainstorming. Be mindful of the privacy of participants and their personal space when doing this so that they feel at ease with participating.

You should have an emergency plan for any technical problems that might arise during your virtual meeting. This could involve preparing a short presentation to present prior to your meeting or having someone else take notes to email them following www.boardroomkitchen.com/what-does-a-nonprofit-finance-committee-do/ the call. It’s also an excellent idea to ask for feedback from the attendees to determine what they liked about the meeting and how it could be improved in the future.

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