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Public Power’s Cybersecurity Summit

Join the cybersecurity summit to gain knowledge from and exchange ideas with hundreds of pre-screened CSOs, CISOs, IT Security Managers & CEOs and VPs in a non-tradeshow like setting set within a luxurious venue. All meals and snacks are included in one affordable price.

The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing. With the recent breaches that have impacted Under Armour, Equifax, Yahoo, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and many more, public power executives know that staying one step ahead of cyber criminals is essential https://gtcybersecuritysummit.com/from-shadows-to-spotlight-unmasking-todays-top-cybersecurity-threats/ for protecting customers.

Experts in the field will share their knowledge and provide attendees with strategies, solutions, and tips to defend against ever-changing threats. This educational event is sponsored by the Arizona Technology Council, AZCommerce Authority and the Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance.

Participants are also able to meet cybersecurity experts and leaders. The summit will feature a variety of exhibiting companies and government resource partners, small business development centers, and a range of regional and state-specific resources.

Find out from key stakeholders about their experiences with recent cyber-attacks aimed at the industry. You’ll gain an insider’s view of the current threat landscape, and how it affects the electric industry and public power entities in particular.

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