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Using a Data Room to Store Intellectual Property and Other Important Documents

In the past, companies stored important documents in a secure room that possible buyers could access during due diligence. These documents are now stored digitally in data rooms. Investors can access documents such as your articles of association, your patents, your intellectual property as well as the legal structure of your business. This includes stock vesting, contracts and a cap-table (which shows who is who).

If you’re planning for an investor, exit or acquisition, it’s essential to have the right paperwork completed in a timely manner. This will speed up the process and reduce the chance of omitting anything crucial.

Virtual data rooms provide an encrypted environment for sharing and storing files related to IP and licensing. Security features like audit logs and user permission settings, along with printing/download restrictions and watermarking prevent data breaches and leaks.

Lawyers frequently deal with huge volumes of confidential materials in a litigation. Virtual data rooms are the most efficient method of handling this material because of their strong encryption techniques and granular security controls. VDRs also allow lawyers to collaborate on documents with clients while keeping the confidentiality of sensitive information.

As soon as you begin making pitches to investors, a data room for investors must be created so that they have access to all the data they need during due diligence. This will enable them to comprehend what you are selling and make a more informed decision on whether they want to partner with you.


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