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Data Safety Instructions For Website Owners

The old adage “prevention is better than cure” certainly applies to data privacy. A small piece of harmful code uploaded to your website can cause enormous damage, from the opening of a pop-up window to stolen sessions or passwords and even a complete system breach. You should mention in your data security policy how often and when you scan your system for malicious code, and what safeguards are in place to limit the risk.

Update your software or scripts which you use on your site regularly. Hackers are targeting security flaws within popular web software, and a deficiency in https://steviedavison.net/ timely updates makes your system vulnerable. Additionally, you should restrict access to your network or database to the least number of people required to perform their jobs.

Make a plan to handle possible breaches. You should assign a staff member to manage the process. Depending on your company it is possible to notify customers, law enforcement, and credit bureaus. This is a serious issue which should be planned in advance.

Set up strong password requirements and ensure you have a method to store passwords. For instance, you should require upper and lowercase characters, numerals, and special characters. Additionally, you can use salt and hash functions that are slow. Avoid storing unnecessary user data, and when you do, limit the risk by encrypting the data or the deletion of it after a set period of time.

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