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Six Essential Best Practices for Data Security

Data security is the safeguarding of data both physical and digital against unauthorized access or destruction. It is a requirement of all businesses as it ensures that personal information is accessible to authorized users, and remains safe, confidential and secure. It also assists in preventing the loss of vital information in the event of a how to prevent hacking on facebook cyberattack or a data breach. A solid data security program is a combination of tools to ensure six essential best practices:

Authentication is a must in any strategy to secure data. When your data is either at either in transit or at rest you must confirm that only authorized users can access it using credentials (e.g. passwords, passwords encryption keys) or other methods of identification, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) which requires users to submit more than one type of verification.

The organization must be able of identifying the data it uses and know what data is sensitive and in a particular state, such as “at rest”, “in transit” or “in use”.

It can be challenging for companies to keep records of sensitive information as data collection grows. It is essential to adhere to the principle of least privilige which states that only the information users need for their jobs must be made available. By restricting the number of permissions granted, you can enhance security and reduce storage and bandwidth costs. Finally, your data usage policy should specify how data is used, and define the consequences for any policy violations.

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